Seminario Humano: Demasiado Posthumano. Caracas, Venezuela.

Desde la filosofía pop y el arte, catorce ponentes entre filósofos y artistas, se reunieron en torno a la exploración del universo conceptual y estético del posthumanismo que, en tanto corriente filosófica, cultural y estética de finales del siglo XX y principios del siglos XXI, reúne numerosos movimientos, escuelas de pensamiento y tendencias. No es un ámbito definido…


Encounter with a cyborg

I had the opportunity to meet the cyborg artist and trans-species activist Neil Harbisson in the Design and Research Seminar at A/D/O, Brooklyn. Harbisson is known for having an antenna implanted in his head that allows him to perceive visible and invisible colors to the human eye. Through audible vibrations in his skull, he can also perceive colors from space, images, videos, music or phone calls using an Internet connection. He is color blind and the first human being officially recognized as a cyborg by a government (United Kingdom).


The Image of Truth (English / Español)

The logic behind truth is the pursuit of the unknown. But we cannot know truth. We can mention truth, exclaim truth, and even transmit truth, but we can’t know “truth” itself – we can only know the words, images, or ideas through which truth becomes embodied. Through this embodied intellectual approach to truth, we create a delusional image of power over reality. Faced with truth, our gaze dislocates, twists, and unfolds. But frankly, this perspective we hold of the modern problems of natural knowledge and the limits of our experience of the world has become a worn argument.


The Emotion Machine III, Subtle Body (Vibrations)

A Sensitive Machine (English / Español)

The acceptance of reality seems to be difficult for human beings. We complete the world from our imagination; this is how our sensitive apparatus works. Some individuals are more sensitive than others, others more skilled in the art of figuring the sensitiveness of the image, but we all are equally figuring out reality by completing information from our brain. We indeed imagine the world.


The Emotion Machine at Chinatown Soup Gallery, NY.

Becoming a Machine (English / Español)

Emotions determine the quality of our lives. They occur in every relationship we care about—in the workplace, in our friendships, in dealings with family members, and in our most intimate relationships. They can save our lives, but they can also cause real damage. They may lead us to act in ways that we think are realistic and appropriate, but our emotions can also lead us to act in ways we regret terribly afterward1


The Emotion Machine III, The Portal at @DRTYSMMR

The uncountable Fear

I recently discovered that my third machine was experiencing trauma. (…) In the winter of 2017, I met the American Artist and Art Therapist Sarah Valeri. Between the killing cold, her coffee and my tea, Sarah started to ask about the sensitive machines. We were captivated by a neverending conversation about how an object can have the ability to perceive the world artificially and how this deconstructive perceiving process was deeply related to the art therapy process.
