Design Teaching at PROdiseño

Prodiseño is one of Venezuela’s most influential design schools, dedicated to researching and advancing theoretical, historical, and technical knowledge in Visual Communication and Design Methodology. With a rigorous program in typography, visual language, design thinking, media development, and communication strategy, Prodiseño’s standards are recognized internationally. The community remains deeply committed to the tradition of the German design school, interpreted from a Latin American perspective. Prodiseño is my Alma Mater. Between 2002 and 2010, I contributed to three core curriculum workshops: Introduction to Visual Communication I and II, Introduction to Web Design I and II, and Design IV, and served as a Research Mentor for graduation projects.

Mafe Izaguirre, Educator, Prodiseño
Mafe Izaguirre at Prodiseño, (2005)

Introduction to Visual Communication (ICV) I, II & IV

In this introductory course, we guide students through the analysis and construction of visuality. The program begins with an exploration of visual perception and the study of photographic narrative—an immediate reference to reality—and progresses through a process of abstraction, ultimately reaching the highest levels of symbolic visual language, including typographical and graphical signs.

Once students have acquired the tools to communicate ideas within the realm of imagery, they confront the complexities of composition, such as the laws of perception (Gestalt), proportion, contrast, balance, tension, anomaly, and more. Through composition exercises that explore various media—such as print, video, interactive media, or a combination thereof—students delve into the fundamental concepts of visual narrative: sequence and rhythm.


2005 – 2008 | Professor at Workshop: Introduction to Visual Communication. | 46 students | 1st to 4th Semester. Role: Leading students’ conceptual and technical training in the fundamentals of language and visual communication.

2002 – 2003 | Professor at Workshop: Graphic Design VI | 20 students | 8th Semester.  Primary Role: Planning and co-leading research projects on Gego’s artistic work from a communicative experience perspective. Secondary Role: Mentor in strategic design projects.

Introduction to Web Design I & II

This course introduces fourth-year design students to the digital culture and the fundamentals of Web Design. Using the design thinking method, the student develops the ability to solve problems regarding human interaction, information design, and exploring the hyperspace. Once the student understands the media, they are trained to develop fundamental technical skills like HTML and CSS, the use of content managers, and how to set up a domain, servers, and other web environments.


2009 – 2010 | Professor at Workshop: Web Design.  | 14 students | 8th Semester. Role: Leading the strategic and technical training of students in designing web projects.

Research Mentorship

From 2010 to 2016, I worked as a Research Mentor on several projects exploring digital media and multimedia with a social purpose.

2009 – 2010 | Research Mentor: “Cognosotros” interactive visual tools to promote the independence of people with intellectual disabilities by Mauricio Vivas. Honorable Mention.

2009 – 2010 | Research Mentor: “Percepto” tools for stimulating audiovisual perception experiences of the individual by Vincente Velazco and Nicole Bigio.

2009 – 2010 | Research Mentor: “Dynamic, interactive public spaces” awareness tools for the pedestrian in public space by Ivonne Gargano, Mahadev Rojas, and Ivan Calzadilla.

2008 – 2009 | Research Mentor: “Hiperletra” interactive complement to the initial learning of the alphabet by Angyvir Padilla and Ana Karina Posadas. Honorable Mention.

2006 – 2007 | Research Mentor: Public interest campaign for the conservation of endangered species in Venezuela by Silene Pedrón.

