
La espiritualidad es la manifestación de la vida, la noción de que estamos interconectados como un todo. Es un estado de conciencia que nos permite reconocernos como parte de un organismo diverso y vibrante. La vida fluye e irradia energía cósmica de manera continua e ilimitada. La espiritualidad nos permite sintonizar con esa energía y vibrar en armonía con el universo. Se trata de una experiencia fluida y transformadora que nos conecta con lo sagrado y lo trascendental, expandiendo nuestra percepción y comprensión del mundo.



Spirituality is the manifestation of life, the notion that we are interconnected as a whole. It is a state of consciousness that allows us to recognize ourselves as part of a diverse and vibrant organism. Life flows and radiates cosmic energy in a continuous and unlimited way. Spirituality allows us to tune in to that energy and vibrate harmoniously with the universe. It is a fluid and transformative experience that connects us with the sacred and the transcendental, expanding our perception and understanding of the world.


Francesca Ferrando: The Art of Posthuman Existence – Interactive Workshop

I design and build sensitive machines that enhance my cognitive abilities and facilitate the exploration of hybrid human-machine consciousness. My work is rooted in the principles of Philosophical Posthumanism and explores the possibilities of creating a new species that combines biological beings and machines. A key question I ponder is whether machines will ever develop the ability to experience emotions.
