Typography Workshop with Luis Giraldo
Luis Giraldo is an outstanding Venezuelan master typographer and a founding member of the PROdiseño School of Visual Communication. He is one of the most prominent professionals in the field of letter design, and his work marks a significant milestone in the history of Latin American editorial design. His legacy includes contributions to scientific and art books, institutional magazines, economic reports, catalogs, brochures, posters, and maps.
The Experimental Typography Workshop, designed by Luis Giraldo, aims to challenge the expertise of designers, artists, and image professionals and expand their composition skills. Through innovative exercises, participants explore new forms of meaning based on the syntactic aspects of typography.
The workshop focuses on studying the intrinsic and extrinsic compositional characteristics of typographic signs and proposes complex contexts of visual dialogue.
The program consists of two levels: 1. Studying the typographic sign as an entity of the format, and 2. Exploring visual dialogue between the elements surrounding the letter and how proximity influences meaning. Both workshops were held in Caracas, with the collaboration of Eduardo López and Mafe Izaguirre.