The Mind Project
The Mind Project is a collection of visual schemes inspired by Izaguirre’s notes on philosophy from 2005 to 2019. The series explores an abstract symbolic language that delves into the formal tensions underlying human thought. Her artifacts reflect the internal nature of the alchemic form, enabling us to access the profound spiritual truths she encounters in her readings.

Mind Concepts
Izaguirre’s fascination with visually representing the concept of “The Mind” began during a philosophical seminar in Caracas in 2005, where she was introduced to the contrasting ideas of Descartes and Wittgenstein.
A decade later, she integrated into her research the works of other renowned philosophers such as Kant, Hegel, Benjamin, Adorno, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty, Elaine Scarry, and Sianne Ngai.
Inspired by her readings on Martin Heidegger’s poetry, language, and thought, Izaguirre added a ninth scheme to the series in 2018, completing the collection.

"Whenever we have spoken openly we have said nothing. But when we have written something in code and in pictures we have concealed the truth."
— Rosarium philosophorum, Weinheim edition, 1990.

Layered Reality
From a cybernetic perspective, reality could be understood as feedback loops constantly interacting and influencing each other. This dialectical complexity is represented in Izaguirre’s schemes as “obscure speeches” or multilayer symbols that, united, make up a totality of meaning.
According to the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, the meaning imbued in the symbolic system we use to represent the world around us is not inherent in the words themselves but in their use within a particular context. Understanding abstract concepts requires interpreting and using language in nuanced and flexible ways. The technogenic hybridization we experience today is crucial to develop this ability beyond human limitations.
By recognizing the importance of context and the role of language in constructing meaning, we can more effectively navigate the layered reality of a wider world and unlock new possibilities for understanding.

Tech Specs
- Medium: Mixed Media
- Dimensions: 3-dimensional variants based on 11 x 14 in.
- Materials: Acrylic, gel, and paper.
- Year of creation: 2017
- Year of competition: 2019
- Series: Nine symbols
© 2023 Mafe Izaguirre. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.